Get the configuration files from Yuso

Yuso uses a cloud-based platform that enables communication with SmartgridOne. This is done via the MQTT communication protocol, monitoring and controlling various parameters.

Basically, every minute, Yuso sends a signal (steering modus) to be executed by the controller.
Every minute, Yuso algorithms computes the best steering modus for that bess at that point in time.

There are three steering modi, which are mutually exclusive:

1. Active Modus = standby

This is the default modus. In this modus, the SOC is kept constant (losses can be covered from the grid to keep the SOC as constant as possible)
The Yuso’s setpoint (`activePowerReq`) to the EMS in this modus is zero.
The reported activePower at the Service Point will be possibly non-zero due to keeping the SOC constant.
All energy exchanged is settled at day Ahead price.

2. Active Modus = self-supply

In this modus, Yuso asks the controller to steer towards 0 on the meter
The Yuso’s setpoint (`activePowerReq`) to the EMS is indicative and should be translated to an actual ActivePowerExec setpoint to be executed, considering all site constraints.
The reported activePower at the Service Point will be non-zero due to local demand or excess production of the site.
All energy exchanged with the grid is settled at day Ahead price.

3. Active Modus = direct

This is the overruling modus, as sent by Yuso when opportunities are detected to trade on imbalance market.
The desired parameter activePowerReq is indicative and should be translated to an actual ActivePowerExec setpoint to be delivered to the asset for execution.
This executable setpoint must be calculated such that safe operation is guaranteed and in compliance with the Synergrid guidelines.
In settlement, the energy exchanged during overruling is split in two buckets: 

 - all energy in/out of the BESS is settled at Imbalance price
 - all other energy in/out the site is settled at Day Ahead price.

It is allowed to ignore the Overruling signal. The executed steering modus must then also be reported via the Yuso Standard Interface as "self-supply" instead of "direct".
However, if the Yuso Overruling signal is not followed, it is not allowed to control the battery with a power greater than the power that is locally net requested or injected by the rest of the site (excl. battery).
An exception is made for limited grid connections where the access power is less than 60% of the nominal power of the battery.

The core parameters are:

  1. activePowerReq : The desired power to be activated.

  2. activePower : The actual activated power.

  3. baselineActivePower : The theoretical power produced by the solar installation.

  4. actualActivePower : The actual measured power of the solar installation.


The term "Direct" refers to a direct control mode where the solar system responds immediately to signals from Yuso. In this mode:

  • Direct Curtailment : The installation receives a direct signal to limit the power produced. This may be necessary, for example, when there is a surplus of energy in the network.

  • Real-time Adjustments : The installation adjusts itself directly based on real-time instructions from Yuso. This means that there is a high degree of control and accuracy in balancing the energy network.


The term "Standby" refers to a waiting mode in which the installation is not actively controlled to change the power. In this mode:

  • No Active Control : The installation remains in its current state without receiving new instructions from Yuso.

  • Fallback mode : If no new signals are received, the system falls back to a safe mode. This ensures that the installation remains stable without unexpected changes in the produced power.

Get the Yuso configuration files:

  • Certificate (file with .pem.crt extension)

  • Private key (file with .pem.key extension)

  • Root key (file with .pem extension)