
You can assign priorities to individual controllable devices. You can access this through the "Devices" tab -> "Change Settings" (per device).

The SmartgridOne schedules devices with the same priority together based on the grid power at that time. However, within the same priority level, the scheduling algorithm proceeds in order of device type:

  1. First all devices with an on/off nature (e.g. heat pumps, boilers, etc.). This is done first because these are the least flexibly controllable devices.

  2. Then electric vehicle charging stations. This comes second because consuming locally produced energy immediately is more efficient than storing it for later.

  3. Energy storage to accommodate any surpluses/deficits.

  4. As a final curtailment of PV: do not inject excess PV that is not being used into the grid if it is not allowed.

If you want a different order, prioritize the respective devices.